Monday, June 30, 2008

1 Month Old!

Micah is a month old!! He is getting so big and looking more and more like a mini Paul. His favorite things to do right now are eat, sleep, dirty his diapers and steal mommy and daddy's hearts everyday =)

Friday, June 27, 2008

Happy Friday!

We all have enjoyed afternoon naps today which definitely makes this a happy day =)

I really like these pictures of Paul and his mini me.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A better picture......

of Ella holding her baby brother

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Splash Park

We went to a splash park this afternoon with the kids. We thought Ella would really like it but she was a little scared of it. Neither of us had been there before and didn't know how big it was so we didn't wear bathing suits or bring a change of dry clothes to go in with her . I think if we could have gone in with her she might of enjoyed it a little more. It was still a fun park and right next to the splash park was a regular play ground that Ella enjoyed. One of the things we love about out here is how many great parks there are for kids! There are so many fun places to go in the summer!

Micah and mommy

Ella checking it out

Not too sure about this place

The first time the water hit her (her face is priceless)

Daddy had to keep putting her in the water

This picture breaks my heart =( We didn't make her go in the water any more after this

Friends again

Ella preferred the regular playground much more

Micah slept through all the excitement

3 Weeks Old!

I can't believe my baby boy is 3 weeks old already!

He looks just like his Daddy right here!

Little Smile
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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

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We love you Daddy!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Friday

Paul sent me this picture of the kids this morning. This is the first time Ella has held her baby brother. We keep asking her if she wants to hold him and she tells us "no." So although she has just woken up and looks a mess it's still a precious picture of my babies!

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Monday, June 9, 2008

Adjusting to Two and the Terrible Two's

This is my first week that I get to experience what life will be like with two kids. Paul is working from home today so I guess I won't have a real taste until he goes out of town this week. Paul's parents left yesterday and the house has been pretty lonely ever since =( They were such a wonderful help! They pretty much did everything for us last week so that I didn't have to worry about cooking and housework along with taking care of a newborn. I think Ella had the time of her life last week too! She was so sad to say goodbye to Nana and Grandpa. Paul's dad made me up a menu of meals and everyday I got to pick out what I wanted for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! It was like having a live in chef for a week, and the best part was I didn't have to clean up after! They truly went above and beyond for us this last week and I know I wouldn't have minded them staying for a lot longer =) So if you are reading this, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Micah has been such a sweet baby! He is so content all the time and sleeps really great at night! I don't know if it's because I had no clue what I was doing with Ella but I remember her being difficult the first few weeks. I have been enjoying my sweet baby boy as much as I can because I know how short the newborn stage is. I love just having him lay on my chest and sleep while he can still fit =) I still can't believe I have a baby boy!

Ella has all of a sudden increased her vocabulary by a thousand words! She is talking up a storm! I can actually understand most of what she is saying now which is fun. Along with her new vocabulary has come an attitude also, she has been a little on the rotten side since Micah has been home. She's nice to her brother but just doesn't want to obey mommy and daddy. She also enjoys throwing tantrums much more frequently now. So it looks like the hardest adjustment is going to be dealing with Ella and the terrible two's. I guess that's why God made Micah so easy =) Just when I think my daughter has completely gone to the dark side she manages to redeem herself by doing something really sweet like right now how she's snuggled up next to me and reading to me.

So, I know that eventually I will be adjusted to life with two and and that I will have a routine down. I know that through the tantrums and the "no, no no's" God's grace is sufficient for me and that His strength is made perfect in weakness. I just need to continue to pray and seek His wisdom so that I can be a mommy who shows Christ's love to my kids. I know that God has given me the awesome privilege of being a mom so He will also equip me with everything I need to raise them.

Since we took so many pictures last week I made a slideshow of the highlights.

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