Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ella's first race

Ella ran a 50 meter race in the annual pumpkin run this morning! She was super excited about it and when I woke her up this morning (very early) she was bouncing off the walls! As soon as it ended she wanted to do it again. Although she came in last place, she did pretty good considering she was the youngest one there! She walked away with a pumpkin and a ribbon to add to her growing collection ;) It was worth waking up extra early to see.

{It was still pretty dark when we got there this morning so my pictures turned out horrible! Paul took a video so as soon as I can I will post it.}

Getting her stretches in!


OhioFamOf4 said...

How fun. Where was the race? I think my kids might like to do that next year.

Andrea said...

It was at Ohio Wesleyan. OWU puts it on ever year.

Rose said...

Ella looks so old! What a big girl! She is just too adorable! Xoxo