Friday, July 20, 2012


I'm linking up again with Jeanett over at Life Rearranged. Here is our week in iphone photos. It's starting to feel like summer again as I'm slowly getting out of the house more. Maybe having four kids isn't so tough after all? ;)
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Started the weekend off with a backyard camp out
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Went yard sale shopping and found this adorable costume for Rilynn
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Some hallway puppet shows were performed
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Somebody thought they were still a baby ;)
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Had a cousin sleepover
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Rilynn taught me how to look cute in your swimsuit while practicing safety
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Rilynn enjoyed choo choo train rides down the hallway courtesy of her big brother
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Spent a couple days at the pool where this little girl finally said goodbye to floatation devices and is now a swimmer (thanks to her older cousin)
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We discovered that if we bring this pink princess chair to the pool Rilynn will just sit there the whole time completely content (she of course has to have her Vente Starbucks ice water with her too)
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and Henry did a lot of this
life rearranged

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Stopping by from Life Rearranged. Looks like quite the fun week and my goodness that peacock costume is totally adorable. I just typed totes adorbs but opted to change it because it was just too ridiculous. Have a great weekend!